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Who We Are

Our Vision

To Make The World A Place Of Equal Opportunity In Terms Of Education For Children And Youth

Children playing

Our Mission

We strive to empower children and youth for a stable, safe, sustainable life for them and their families by providing equal educational opportunities.


Our family members, friends, and loved ones provide our lives with meaning and purpose. Everyone needs people who push them towards good.


Through educational initiatives, scholarships, and vocational training, we equip people with skills needed for a lifetime of self-reliance.


Strengthening someone's ability to carry out actions with a focus on claiming rights and attaining autonomy in life.

Our Values



Our vision, mission, and all activities are driven by our core faith, beliefs, and values that spread peace, togetherness, justice, and equality across the globe.

Family and Community

Family and Community

Family and friends provide purpose and meaning to our lives. Inclusivity, mutual support, and social joy are our drivers in this journey.



Perseverance and patience on the path of virtue in all circumstances will reap benefits in this world and the hereafter for each one of us and society.

Continuous Learning

Continuous Learning

Pursuit of knowledge and skills is a journey from cradle to grave. It should elevate an individual's character and career, benefiting them and their surrounding society.



Share and spread what you have been bestowed with society - wealth, knowledge, skills, and time.



All are equal. Availability of equal opportunities in pursuit of knowledge and skills will make the world a better place of joy and peace.


IDEA invites you to be a part of this noble mission. Together, we can bring about positive and lasting change in the lives of those who need it the most. Your contributions, whether through donations, volunteer work, or spreading awareness, are invaluable to the success of our initiatives. Join us, and let’s make a meaningful impact on the world, one life at a time.